Thursday 10 September 2009

Lesson 1: Web 2.0

Today we learnt about Web 2.0:
Web 2.0 websites are ones that can be edited by the public. Websites such as

Facebook - Talk with people abroad, join groups and share information.
Myspace - Comment on pictures and profiles and chat online
Bebo - Able to play games and leave comments, this is a good sight to interact with people.
Youtube - To share videos and leave comments about these videos
Google documents - Groups can collaborate to produce a document online
Blogger - Can follow other peoples blogs that interest that person, opinions and news from normal people.
Online Shopping - Able to leave reviews about the clothes and is a reliable system to get a review of products.

The advantages are that people can communicate easily over these websites. They can share photos and videos and it is a good way of keeping in touch with people, finding old friends and being able to talk to friends that live abroad. Social networking are good for this communication. Can save money, by not going to the cinema and watching videos on sights like Youtube.
The disadvantages occur mostly in Wikipedia, that people can edit the information, including peoples documents, which has caused a lot of fuss and misguided information.

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